Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Lifestyle:Intro to Fashion Art Tech Photography and Anything else

So for the most of my first posts, its been mainly about spiritual encouragement. As I said before, I want royalstour to be the number one place to express all your ideas and network via fashion, art, photography or anything that you do to express yourself while growing spiritually. I wasnt always into these things but as I discover more about myself, im finding my passions and interests.

When I was younger, you never caught me without a pencil and drawing paper in my hands. I knew for sure I was going to be a famous artist. For some reason, I cant even remember why I stopped. I plan to start diving into my artistic expressions and post them on here so I look forward to your comments. As I said before, if urban culture or anything related to this portion of the blog is your passion, I certainly would like to hear from you and establish you as a regular contributor. This is the intro.

Sunday, October 16, 2011


Today I saw this movie and I must say it was all encouraging and inspiring. Geared more towards fathers to make a stand but still able to bless everyone as a whole. Just a small warning, have tissue

Faith:Law Abiding Citizens (10.16.11)

I Peter 2:11 KJV "Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the sou;"
Phil 3:20 NIV "But our citizenship is in heaven.  And we eagerly await a saviour from there, the Lord Jesus Christ."
(photo via

Well im back again its the closing of another busy week. I picked up a book I began reading a while back titled "The Measure of a Man" by Gene A. Getz. I must say its certainly a must read for any man looking to strengthen his growth and faith in God.

Dr. Getz is the Pastor of Fellowship Bible Church. He has quite the list of published books including "The Measure of a Woman" so yes ladies you can enjoy his teachings as

I was reading a chapter and it touched on our place of citizenship.  The Bible describes us as being "strangers" passing through and our citizenship is in heaven. I receive those scriptures as a foundation. A foundation which we can focus on and apply that mindset in our daily walk.  God created us to stand out amongst others. There is a reason we sometimes feel distant from our environments.  I sure have had those kind of feelings many times. When we have chosen to live "Christ-Like," we have drawn a line in the sand.  There are simply things that use to gave me satisfaction that now seems foreign and viewers notice the change.  The new lifestyle of faith makes us strangers to people that new the previous version.

Being called citizens of haven means we are held to a spiritual standard that applies here on this earth.  The definition of citizenship is "the duties and responsibilities that come with being a member of a community," and that community is amongst believers. Our duties and responsibilities are outlined in the word of God and his commandments. People are proud to call themselves be it American, Chinese, African etc... We must be proud and solidified in our spiritual place of residency. Something I have had to work on is preventing my mindset from being conformed to the ways of the world.  Im sure there are some of you that can relate but together if we remind remind ourselves where home truely is, we can be Law Abiding Citizens.

Encouragement: John 15:19 KJV "If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you."

Random:Meeting Jo Koy (10.16.11)

Last week I had the privileged of meeting a well known celebrity in little old North Dakota. Certainly was unexpected. Funny thing about it was that I was the only one in the mall other than my friends that recognized him. From the short conversations I had with him, I can certainly see why he was well liked. Def a funny guy yet humble in his life of being famous.Here is a quick clip in the life of Jo Koy. Words a bit extreme but you get an idea of the fun he brings.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Life:Hard Work-Tend to your Garden (10.7.11)

Its been a while but I promise its for good reason. Reason simply being HARD WORK. Im a full time student and I maintain a full time job so Im sure many of you can relate to the amount of work it takes to maintain that sort of lifestyle. I rarely get sleep and barely have time to do anything outside of my obligations. But I stand before you today I see it paying off and the proof is in my grades, and it got me thinking.

It takes hard work to make it in this modern world. Our country and many other establishments built on it. I recently heard a saying  I admit I use to be a slacker in many things and the feeling I had today beets the feeling of unaccomplished any day.

Since the beginning we were created to work. God created Adam and Eve and then sent Adam to the garden to tend to it. The bible is filled with many examples of man having to work including that of Jesus Christ.  He was a carpenter taught by his father. There are examples of singers, writers, teachers and a big one would be that of Noah. I mean really, how many of us today would accept the task of building an ark large enough to fit two of every animal? 

Work comes in many forms. Not every form of work is returned in money. It takes work, for the college student to study hard to get good grades in school. Its hard work that allows a new couple to strengthen their love and start a family. It takes work for the Pastor of his ministry to bring God's message and be the Shepard of his flock. And the great example of work, is God creating everything we see today.

Encouraging Verse: Proverbs 12:14 " A man shall be satisfied with good by the fruit of his mouth:and the recompence of a man's hands shall be rendered unto him."  Be blessed