Sunday, September 30, 2012

RTV | Identity

I have long been thinking on the idea of "Identity" and how it relates in life and in our spiritual walk.  Its not only who we think we are, but who we present on a day to day account.  I originally pondered on breaking this idea down one day while in my communications class, but I will save that for another time. Until then, here are a few clips I stumbled upon practicing songs for church service. Be Blessed and Enjoy!!!

Monday, September 10, 2012

LIFE | Catch up

It has long been overdue since the last time I made time to pound out my thoughts on this computer. I can honestly say that there has never been a day that did not move on to the next before I thought about, even made time for, to create a post.  Not to say that I have had nothing to do, because I have been quite busy. Obviously school has started and that just magnified my obligations to what appears at the max level. 

Even with that said, I set out to reflect my thoughts on your mind, in hopes what you present back to me is relativity and progression from the seed that was first in my mind. Im at a turning point, and that turning point is why I am here now, talking to you again. Hopefully you welcome me back with open arms and if they are not, mine will forever be open to you. Next post coming soon!!!

Be Blessed.